Did you know that two-thirds of U.S. adults, and 55% of U.S. pets, are considered overweight? *
This may sound scary, but there's a silver lining! Your pet can be a great weight loss partner! It's something fun that you two can do together to help you bond, and the endorphins you'll get from the exercise will keep you coming back for more...
Here are some tips for tackling weight loss with your fluffy friend:
Try a daily 20-minute walk with your pet. If you have a dog, you can walk him on a leash, or you can push your cat or rabbit in a pet stroller.
Toss a ball with your dog or play with your cat using a wand toy. Bonus points if you do it while standing - Studies have shown that increasing time spent standing versus sitting can enhance weight loss efforts and reduce the risk of weight gain over time.
Make it a daily habit. If you align your playtime with another common activity, like before or after mealtime, then you're more likely to stick to your goals.
Remember to hydrate! This is important for both you and your pet. If the temperature outside is 85° or higher, try walking in the morning or evening instead, as those temperatures can be dangerous for pets and humans.
*According to the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. Please consult with your physician - and veterinarian - before beginning any weight loss, diet or exercise program.