The New Year ushers in that desire to start fresh, to make resolutions and to stick to them. According to many sources, the top resolutions that people make are losing weight, eating healthier, getting fit, quitting smoking, spending more time with the family, going back to school, getting a better job, saving more money, volunteering, and traveling. These are all great goals! Check out these tips…
One Step at a Time...
-Eat Healthier.
-Portion control.
-Move your body for 30 minutes a day.
Write down your Goals
-Write down your GOALS!
-Hang them where you can see them.
-Measure, take before photos, track foods, and chart your progress to see your path to your goals!
Support & Breathe
-Find YOUR cheerleaders who support your journey and tell them your plans.
-There will be roadblocks.
-Find solutions around them to reach your goals in 2024!