6 Holiday Wellness Strategies:
1.Stomp Stress, Down with Dieting!
While it is admirable to desire weight loss, you do not have to make it a priority this holiday season. So rather than stressing and aiming to lose weight, most health experts encourage individuals to maintain weight over the holidays, enjoying the present moment of being with close friends and family
2. Hustle & Bustle:
The chaos of holiday schedules can make it extremely difficult to make it to the gym each morning. Instead of fixating on missed workouts, find other methods to keep active. Heading to the mall later for last minute shopping? Take the steps when possible. Wanting to see the Christmas lights in the neighborhood? Walk instead of drive. Use any opportunity available to stay active this holiday season.
3. Parties & Plans:
Whether trimming tinsel or scratching off your Christmas list, pack a high-protein and/or fiber snack to lessen the risk of a food court run in a bout of hunger. Whether at a holiday party or family dinner, scope out the scene and strategize the most healthful plan. Fill up on fresh veggies and fruits first, seek out a lean protein source, then allow yourself for a small slice of pumpkin pie you have been eyeballing.
4. Indulge (Without Overindulging):
Though it is okay to indulge over the holiday season, overdoing it can down spiral all efforts towards health goals.
5. Cheerful Spirits:
Along with controlling portion and serving sizes of food, moderate alcohol intake. Not only can drinking too much precipitate a less-than-pleasant morning, but pack on numerous calories from the alcohol itself while feeding into heightened cravings. #drinkresponsibly
6. Sleep is in Season:
While the holiday parties may turn into late evenings, the importance of adequate sleep carries on throughout the holiday season.